2019-03-01 | 小编:环球教育整理 | 2 |
27日凌晨,全球高等教育研究机构 QS Quacquarelli Symonds 正式发布了2019 QS 世界大学学科排名。
本次排名包含78个区域的1128所大学,横跨了5个领域和48个细分学科。这5个领域分别是人文学科,工程与科技, 生命科学与医学,自然科学,社会科学与管理学。
学术声誉(Academic reputation)
雇主声誉(Employer reputation)
论文引用数(Research citations per paper)
本次排名中,美国大学虽相较于2018 有所下降,失去6个学科的第一名成绩,但依旧以“ 234 个世界 Top 10 科系”在28个专业中排名第一!
Arts and Humanities艺术人文学科 | ||
1 | University of Oxford | United Kingdom |
2 | Harvard University | United States |
3 | University of Cambridge | United Kingdom |
4 | University of California, Berkeley (UCB) | United States |
5 | Stanford University | United States |
6 | Yale University | United States |
7 | Princeton University | United States |
8 | Columbia University | United States |
9 | University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) | United States |
10 | New York University (NYU) | United States |
Engineering and Technology工程技术 | ||
1 | Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) | United States |
2 | Stanford University | United States |
3 | ETH Zurich - Swiss Federal Institute of Technology | Switzerland |
4 | University of Cambridge | United Kingdom |
5 | University of California, Berkeley (UCB) | United States |
6 | Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU) | Singapore |
6 | University of Oxford | United Kingdom |
8 | Imperial College London | United Kingdom |
8 | National University of Singapore (NUS) | Singapore |
10 | Tsinghua University | China |
Life Sciences and Medicine生命科学 | ||
1 | Harvard University | United States |
2 | University of Oxford | United Kingdom |
3 | University of Cambridge | United Kingdom |
4 | Stanford University | United States |
5 | Johns Hopkins University | United States |
6 | Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) | United States |
7 | University of California, San Francisco | United States |
8 | University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) | United States |
9 | Karolinska Institutet | Sweden |
10 | UCL (University College London) | United Kingdom |
Natural Science自然科学 | ||
1 | Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) | United States |
2 | Stanford University | United States |
3 | Harvard University | United States |
4 | University of Cambridge | United Kingdom |
5 | University of Oxford | United Kingdom |
6 | ETH Zurich - Swiss Federal Institute of Technology | Switzerland |
6 | University of California, Berkeley (UCB) | United States |
8 | California Institute of Technology (Caltech) | United States |
9 | The University of Tokyo | Japan |
10 | Imperial College London | United Kingdom |
Social Sciences and Management社会科学 | ||
1 | Harvard University | United States |
2 | London School of Economics and Political Science | United Kingdom |
3 | Stanford University | United States |
4 | University of Oxford | United Kingdom |
5 | Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) | United States |
6 | University of Cambridge | United Kingdom |
7 | University of California, Berkeley (UCB) | United States |
8 | Yale University | United States |
9 | National University of Singapore (NUS) | Singapore |
10 | University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) | United States |
10 | University of Pennsylvania | United States |
计算机科学与信息系统(Computer Science & Information Systems) | |||
1 | Massachusetts Institute of Technology | 麻省理工 | United States |
2 | Stanford University | 斯坦福 | United States |
3 | Carnegie Mellon University | 卡内基梅隆 | United States |
4 | University of California, Berkeley (UCB) | 伯克利 | United States |
5 | University of Cambridge | 剑桥 | UK |
6 | University of Oxford | 牛津 | UK |
7 | Harvard University | 哈佛 | United States |
8 | EPFL - Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne | 洛桑联邦理工学院 | Switzerland |
9 | ETH Zurich - Swiss Federal Institute of Technology | 苏黎世联邦理工 | Switzerland |
10 | National University of Singapore (NUS) | 新加坡国立 | Singapore |
11 | University of Toronto | 多伦多大学 | Canada |
12 | Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU) | 新加坡南洋理工 | Singapore |
13 | Princeton University | 普林斯顿 | United States |
13 | University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) | 加州洛杉矶 | United States |
15 | Imperial College London | 英国伦敦帝国学院 | United Kingdom |
15 | Tsinghua University | 清华 | China |
17 | University of Washington | 华盛顿大学 | United States |
18 | Columbia University | 哥伦比亚大学 | United States |
18 | Peking University | 北大 | China |
20 | New York University (NYU) | 纽约大学 | United States |
21 | The University of Edinburgh | 爱丁堡大学 | United Kingdom |
22 | University of Waterloo | 滑铁卢大学 | Canada |
23 | UCL (University College London) | 伦敦大学学院 | United Kingdom |
24 | Georgia Institute of Technology | 佐治亚理工 | United States |
25 | Cornell University | 康奈尔大学 | United States |
26 | The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology | 香港科技大学 | Hong Kong |
26 | The University of Tokyo | 东京大学 | Japan |
28 | University of British Columbia | 英属哥伦比亚 | Canada |
29 | California Institute of Technology (Caltech) | 加州理工 | United States |
29 | University of Texas at Austin | 德克萨斯奥斯汀 | United States |
化学工程(Engineering - Chemical) | |||
1 | Massachusetts Institute of Technology(MIT) | 麻省理工 | United States |
2 | Stanford University | 斯坦福大学 | United States |
3 | University of California, Berkeley (UCB) | 加州伯克利 | United States |
3 | University of Cambridge | 剑桥 | United Kingdom |
5 | ETH Zurich - Swiss Federal Institute of Technology | 苏黎世联邦理工 | Switzerland |
6 | University of Oxford | 牛津大学 | United Kingdom |
7 | California Institute of Technology (Caltech) | 加州理工 | United States |
7 | National University of Singapore (NUS) | 新加坡国立 | Singapore |
9 | Imperial College London | 帝国理工 | United Kingdom |
10 | Delft University of Technology | 代尔夫特理工 | Netherlands |
11 | Tsinghua University | 清华大学 | China |
12 | Nanyang Technological University | 新加坡南洋理工 | Singapore |
13 | Kyoto University | 京都大学 | Japan |
14 | The University of Tokyo | 东京大学 | Japan |
15 | Princeton University | 普林斯顿 | United States |
16 | EPFL - Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne | 洛桑联邦理工学院 | Switzerland |
17 | University of Texas at Austin | 德克萨斯奥斯汀 | United States |
18 | University of Wisconsin-Madison | 威斯康星麦迪逊 | United States |
19 | University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) | 加州洛杉矶 | United States |
20 | Yale University | 耶鲁大学 | United States |
21 | The University of Manchester | 曼彻斯特大学 | United Kingdom |
22 | KAIST - Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology | 韩国高等科学技术研究所 | South Korea |
23 | Seoul National University | 首尔国立 | South Korea |
24 | Northwestern University | 西北大学 | United States |
25 | University of Minnesota | 明尼苏达大学 | United States |
26 | Georgia Institute of Technology | 佐治亚理工 | United States |
27 | University of Toronto | 多伦多大学 | Canada |
28 | UCL (University College London) | 英国伦敦大学学院 | United Kingdom |
29 | Monash University | 莫纳什大学 | Australia |
29 | University of Delaware | 特拉华大学 | United States |
会计与金融(Accounting & Finance) | |||
1 | Harvard University | 哈佛 | United States |
2 | Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) | 麻省理工 | United States |
3 | Stanford University | 斯坦福 | United States |
4 | University of Oxford | 牛津 | United Kingdom |
5 | London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) | 伦敦政治经济学院 | United Kingdom |
6 | University of Chicago | 芝加哥大学 | United States |
7 | University of Pennsylvania | 宾夕法尼亚大学 | United States |
8 | University of Cambridge | 剑桥大学 | United Kingdom |
9 | University of California, Berkeley (UCB) | 伯克利 | United States |
10 | Columbia University | 哥伦比亚 | United States |
11 | London Business School | 伦敦商学院 | United Kingdom |
12 | New York University (NYU) | 纽约大学 | United States |
13 | Yale University | 耶鲁大学 | United States |
14 | National University of Singapore (NUS) | 新加坡国立 | Singapore |
15 | The University of New South Wales (UNSW Sydney) | 新南威尔士大学 | Australia |
16 | The University of Melbourne | 墨尔本大学 | Australia |
17 | HEC Paris School of Management | 巴黎管理学院 | France |
18 | The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology | 香港科技大学 | Hong Kong |
18 | Bocconi University | 博科尼大学 | Italy |
20 | University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) | 加州洛杉矶 | United States |
21 | The University of Manchester | 曼彻斯特大学 | United Kingdom |
22 | Princeton University | 普林斯顿大学 | United States |
22 | The University of Sydney | 悉尼大学 | Australia |
24 | Peking University | 北京大学 | China |
25 | University of Toronto | 多伦多大学 | Canada |
26 | University of Michigan | 密歇根大学 | United States |
27 | Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU) | 新加坡南洋理工 | Singapore |
27 | Tsinghua University | 清华大学 | China |
29 | The University of Hong Kong | 香港大学 | Hong Kong |
30 | Northwestern University | 西北大学 | United States |
传播学与媒体研究(Communication & Media Studies)
排名 | 学校 | 地区 | |
1 | University of Amsterdam | 阿姆斯特丹大学 | Netherlands |
2 | Stanford University | 斯坦福 | United States |
3 | University of Southern California | 南加州 | United States |
4 | London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) | 伦敦政治经济学院 | United Kingdom |
5 | University of Texas at Austin | 德克萨斯奥斯汀 | United States |
6 | University of California, Berkeley (UCB) | 伯克利 | United States |
7 | Goldsmiths, University of London | 伦敦大学金斯密斯学院 | United Kingdom |
8 | Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU) | 新加坡南洋理工 | Singapore |
9 | University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) | 加州洛杉矶 | United States |
10 | University of Pennsylvania | 宾夕法尼亚大学 | United States |
11 | Columbia University | 哥伦比亚大学 | United States |
12 | University of Wisconsin-Madison | 威斯康星麦迪逊 | United States |
13 | Michigan State University | 密歇根州立 | United States |
14 | National University of Singapore (NUS) | 新加坡国立 | Singapore |
15 | The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) | 香港中文大学 | Hong Kong |
16 | New York University (NYU) | 纽约大学 | United States |
16 | Queensland University of Technology (QUT) | 昆士兰科技大学 | Australia |
18 | Northwestern University | 西北大学 | United States |
19 | University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB) | 加州圣芭芭拉分校 | United States |
20 | The University of Sydney | 悉尼大学 | Australia |
20 | University of Zurich | 苏黎世大学 | Switzerland |
22 | University of Leeds | 利兹大学 | United Kingdom |
23 | University of Michigan | 密歇根大学 | United States |
24 | The University of Hong Kong | 香港大学 | Hong Kong |
25 | Cardiff University | 卡迪夫大学 | United Kingdom |
26 | Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München | 慕尼黑大学 | Germany |
27 | City University of Hong Kong | 香港城市大学 | Hong Kong |
27 | The Ohio State University | 俄亥俄州立 | United States |
27 | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | 伊利诺伊大学香槟 | United States |
30 | Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) | 麻省理工 | United States |
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