2017-01-24 | 小编:Eileen | 5 |
这不,《柯林斯词典》(Collins Dictionary)推出了2016年度词汇,快来围观一下都有哪些政事上榜吧~
Brexit 脱欧
'Brexit' named word of the year
The withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union
Brexit -- a portmanteau, blending "Britain" with "exit" -- describes the UK's impending departure from the European Union, in the wake of a controversial referendum on the issue in June.
Trumpism 川普主义
'Trumpism' not far behind
(1) the policies advocated by the US politician Donald Trump, especially those involving a rejection of the current political establishment and the vigorous pursuit of US national interests
(2) a controversial or outrageous statement attributed to Donald Trump
Mic drop 扔麦
"Mic drop" of Obama
"Mic drop" -- "a theatrical gesture in which a person drops (or imitates the action of dropping) a hand-held microphone to the ground as the finale to a speech or performance" -- as demonstrated by US President Barack Obama at a recent dinner also made the list.
Throw shade 公开蔑视
To make a public show of contempt for someone or something, often in a subtle or non-verbal manner
Hygge 幸福
Hygge (noun): A concept, originating in Denmark, of creating cosy and convivial atmospheres that promote well-being.
Snowflake generation 雪花一代
(?sn??fle?k d??n??re???n)
The young adults of the 2010s, viewed as being less resilient and more prone to taking offence than previous generations
Uberization 优步化
Uberization(noun): The adoption of a business model in which services are offered on demand through direct contact between a customer and supplier, usually via mobile technology.
Dude food 纯爷们食品
Dude food (noun): Junk food such as hot dogs or burgers, which are considered particularly appealing to men
Dude food(名词):纯爷们美食,指的是热狗或汉堡一类特别受男士欢迎的垃圾食品
JOMO 享受当下的乐趣
Joy of missing out: pleasure gained from enjoying one’s current activities without worrying that other people are having more fun
别人家的不一定是最好的,只可惜不少人就爱盯着别人比,最后还给自己带来一万点伤害。JOMO是joy of missing out的首字母缩写,指的是享受自己当下的快乐,而不去担心别人比你更开心。
Sharenting 晒娃
The habitual use of social media to share news, images, etc of one’s children
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